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**reserve your copy today i'll include the sequel book "ddso strategies"**
How To Convert Practice Ownership To Profit And Cash Flow In The Dental Practice: Through A DDSO Blueprint
Dr. Brady Frank, DDS
What Other Happy Dentists Are Saying About The Book...
"It's easy to get around those common 'walls' that we as dentists run up against with more information"
Dr. Steve Williams, DDS
"The biggest thing that sticks out to me about the DDS Alliance and Brady Frank, is the focus on the dentist"
Dr. Lane Harris, DDS
"Everyone knows that you always learn more when you actually take action... and that is what Brady is all about"
Dr. Calvin Bessonet, DDS
As Featured In
"Transition Time" Has ALREADY Dramatically Changed the Trajectory Of Countless Practices/Groups Around The World!
Do you wonder at times if you will have the time freedom, personal freedom and financial freedom down the road to achieving your desired lifestyle? 

Do you feel as though you have a much larger vision in DENTISTRY than you are currently living?

Have you had an associate failure? 

Looking to reduce overhead and increase NET? 

Need a sustainable model for the future that eliminates debt and increases cash-flow and wealth accumulation?

Would you like to practice dentistry as a CHOICE rather than NECESSITY?
Your Current Practice Situation Has The Potential To Change Overnight!
"Transition Time" Will Teach You The Right Information And Strategies.
This book was designed to give you information and strategies that will produce the biggest business impact on your practice/group immediately.

Positive change can only happen if you learn, create a plan and take action. I offer this book to you to bring about the change you have been waiting for.
  • Transition Time will help you develop your own personalized strategy to build a Dentist-Owned Group (DDSO).
  • Transition Time will help you decide which of the Top 7 Streams of Income to incorporate into your DDSO as you build and grow.
  • Transition Time will help you vastly reduce your overhead, increase new patient flow and increase NET income and Equity as you navigate the Practice Freedom Blueprint.
  • ​and much more!
meet the maN behind the book
Dr. Brady Frank
Dr. Frank has been a private group practice owner for over 15 years. Through his own experience of employing over 28 associates in the mid-2000s, he created several business models that have allowed hundreds of dentists over the last 12 years Transition to Freedom. 

In his book, TransitionTime, he provides 14 modules for practice transition and expansion. Dr. Frank also details the most common vertical companies related to multiple streams of income as one Transitions to Freedom.

Inside Of This FREE Book, Here Are A Few Of The Secrets That You'll Be Given For FREE...
  • How to clarify your practice(s) growth plan
  •  How to implement the most effective models for Multi-Location/Doctor
  •  Entity & expansion strategies to simplify and scale your practice
  •  How to create multiple streams of income, to include your DDSO
  •  How to convert dental practice equity into cash and wealth accumulation
  •  Creating an ideal situation for an incoming dentist (associateships fail!)
  •  How to create a multiple dentist co-owner situation that flourishes with high ROI
  •  Learn the 7 top techniques to find value-added acquisition practices
  •  How to create the best compensation formulas to motivate incoming dentists
  •  How to use delegation to reduce management burden with practice growth
  •  How to leverage "The Mentorship Program" while using JV (Joint Venture) ownership techniques with New Dentists
  •  Entrepreneurial Mobile Aligner and Implant business models to exponentially grow your practice, group, DDSO or DSO
  •  Build you OWN private equity company by learning the essentials of Private Lending
Dr. Walter K's DDSO Story 
Having achieved immediate success immediately out of middle school, Walter quickly became a top 1% clinician. From his start up right out of school to 1.5 million within two years he grew the practice to $3.2 million and excelled in a variety of clinical procedures, to include implants. Even during the housing recession of 2008 his revenues were between $2 and $3 million as the sole clinician. Then life hits! A divorce, the negative financial consequences that oftentimes ensue and a bankruptcy left Walter emotionally drained and feeling helpless. After decades invested into dentistry he was in a place where none of us ever imagine that we would land. He had lost his silver bullet and, thusly, even perhaps his will to carry-on. Searching for hope he read a copy of Transition Time. He was able to negotiate “value-added practice with 100% seller financing. He tripled the revenues within three months and went down to great levels of success. He got his silver bullet back!
Case Studies
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